Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The US Joint Forces Command recently issued a "Joint Operating Environment" report that includes a section on the surplus oil production capacity in the world.

The US Army is thought to be the biggest single user of liquid hydrocarbons in the world. So, they have a vested interest in predicting the future supply of oil.

The conclusion of the report was that surplus capacity could end as soon as 2012 - and supply shortages could start in 2015. The resulting economic and political results of shortages is discussed, with the clear understanding that the US Military would be involved in the resulting crisis.

We will follow the US Energy Information Administration (the US Energy Department) and see if they agree with the US Military study. For years, the EIA has stated that peak oil is decades away. Let's see if the EIA changes its tune. Which one of these reporting agencies would you put your faith in?
Please follow this link to review the section on Energy - starting on page 24.

And by the way, this is an incredibly well written report. It is refreshing that a part of our tax dollars goes to the preparation of a pdf file like this. Extremely well done on all fronts - not just on the energy section. Our political leaders, from the top on down, should be required to read this report. I just wish the Department of Defense would have written the legislation on health care reform. Do you think we would have gotten a multi-thousand page bill?

